When Valjean returns with rent money, Thnardier, with Patron-Minette, ambushes him and he reveals his real identity to Valjean. Napolon, seeing the old boy give him the once-over with a certain curiosity, wheeled round and said brusquely: Who is this little man staring at me?Your Majesty, said Monsieur Myriel, you see a little man, and I see a great man. Hes fixed up all his charities. The two old women and the old man all lived on those fifteen hundred francs.And when some village cur came to Digne, the bishop still managed to find a way of entertaining him, thanks to the assiduous scrimping and saving of Madame Magloire and Mademoiselle Baptistines clever management.One day, when the bishop had been in Digne for about three months, he said, With all that, things are pretty tight!They certainly are! cried Madame Magloire. Javert gives Marius two pistols and instructs him to fire one into the air if things get dangerous. The palace was truly a mansion fit for a lord. In December 1846, he witnessed an altercation between an old woman scavenging through rubbish and a street urchin who might have been Gavroche. For the musical theatre adaptation, see, Volume IV: The Idyll in the Rue Plumet and the Epic in the Rue St. Denis, Novelist Susanne Alleyn has argued that "the phrase. Fantine is unaware that they are abusing her daughter and using her as forced labor for their inn, and continues to try to meet their growing, extortionate and fictitious demands. Currently reading the Donougher. I've read the Norman Denny translation and to me he truly grasped the poetry and drama of Victor Hugo's writing. I've tried researching it myself, but I can't seem to come to a conclusion on which is the BEST translation of Hugo's Les Miserables. As evidence of police double agents at the barricades, he writes: "The author of this book had in his hands, in 1848, the special report on this subject made to the Prefect of Police in 1832.". Fantine is slowly dying from an unspecified disease. When opportunity presents itself, purely out of habit, he steals a 40-sous coin from 12-year-old Petit Gervais and chases the boy away. 77, No. The Wretched, Doneagher (sp? The century that Waterloo was intended to arrest has pursued its march. One critic has called this "the spiritual gateway" to the novel, as its chance encounter of Thnardier and Colonel Pontmercy foreshadows so many of the novel's encounters "blending chance and necessity", a "confrontation of heroism and villainy". Oh, these bloody clergy! [25]:173174 He participated more directly in the 1848 Paris insurrection, helping to smash barricades and suppress both the popular revolt and its monarchist allies. He tries to find a way to save Valjean while not betraying Thnardier. *By "best" I'm meaning easiest to read unabridged version. Reader Q&A, It is during this time that Valjean manages to free himself. When his visit was over, he politely begged the director to accompany him back to his place.Monsieur le directeur, how many sick people do you have in your hospital at the moment?Twenty-six, Monseigneur.Thats what I counted, said the bishop.The beds are all jammed together, the director went on.Thats what I noticed.The living areas are just bedrooms, and theyre difficult to air.Thats what I thought.Then again, when theres a ray of sun, the gardens too small for the convalescents.Thats what I said to myself.As for epidemics, weve had typhus this year, and two years ago we had miliary feverup to a hundred were down with it at any one time. Peter Robinson December 27, 2012 46 0 The family and I just returned from Les Miserables. Marius climbs to the top of the barricade, holding a torch in one hand, a powder keg in the other, and threatens to the soldiers that he will blow up the barricade. Helpful. It avoids the jarring modernism of Rose's translation and, as far as I can tell, remains true to the original. It's well written and clearly imaginable descriptions of locations and the people that lived there. Thnardier accepts the offer, and he and Azelma travel to America where he becomes a slave trader. Hello! I read Charles E. Wilbour's translation but I am not an expert at that aspect of the book. He complained that the characters were crude stereotypes who all "speak very well but all in the same way". [Things were not good with Rome at that point. As the barricade falls, Valjean carries off the injured and unconscious Marius. Rose has been quoted as saying, Translation is rewritingas someone you imagine the writer to be, and I find that her translation is often fairly distant from my understanding of Hugos original work. The novel has been translated into 21 languages, and there are 7 different translations into English which English-speaking readers can choose from. Later, Fantine's body is unceremoniously thrown into a public grave. In fact, I'd probably recommend Wilbour their translation for a first read, even over the more colloquial Rose. The correct pronunciation of Les Misrables is Leh Mee-zeh-rah-bluh. Marius fulfills her request and goes into a tavern to read the letter. He sends Gavroche to deliver it to her, but Gavroche leaves it with Valjean. When the police capture Valjean, Myriel pretends that he has given the silverware to Valjean and presses him to take two silver candlesticks as well, as if he had forgotten to take them. Les Misrables: If you just want the novel without supplements, get the Signet Classic translation by Lee Fahnestock and norman macAfee, which is a revision of the first translation of Les Mis by Charles Wilbour. After ponine leaves, Marius observes the "Jondrettes" in their apartment through a crack in the wall. Lucy Day Aug 23, 2021 07:40PM 0 votes. She leads him to Valjean's and Cosette's house on Rue Plumet, and Marius watches the house for a few days. I've read it, as have millions of other English speakers, and highly recommend it. The next morning, Valjean informs the Thnardiers that he wants to take Cosette with him. When the book was finally written, Trjean became Valjean. or ask your favorite author a question with He orders a meal and observes how the Thnardiers abuse her, while pampering their own daughters ponine and Azelma, who mistreat Cosette for playing with their doll. Because of paper shortages in wartime, the passages omitted became longer with each successive volume. Even the bridge over the Durance at Chteau-Arnoux7 can barely take a bullock-drawn cart. The fact that this 'digression' occupies such a large part of the text demands that it be read in the context of the 'overarching structure' discussed above. One of the strangers was a man who had stolen a loaf of bread, similar to Jean Valjean. He and Cosette then finally meet and declare their love for one another. Valjean manages to escape the scene before Javert sees him. He learns Cosette's whereabouts and he writes a farewell letter to her. One of the students, Marius Pontmercy, has become alienated from his family (especially his royalist grandfather M. Gillenormand) because of his Bonapartist views. At last!The same night, the bishop wrote a note, which he handed to his sister. Madame Thnardier immediately accepts, while Thnardier pretends to love Cosette and be concerned for her welfare, reluctant to give her up. When Gavroche goes outside the barricade to collect more ammunition from the dead National Guardsmen, he is shot dead. . Towards the end of the novel, Hugo explains the work's overarching structure:[8]. 70,089 free ebooks. Insulted, Marius leaves. ). Les Misrables - Other forms The novel inevitably found a home in various media. Valjean returns to Montreuil to see Fantine, followed by Javert, who confronts him in her hospital room. 1887 - Isabel Florence Hapgood 1976 - Norman Denny 1987 - Wilbour revised by Lee Fahnestock and Norman MacAfee 2007 - Julie Rose 2013 - Christine Donougher In French, the letters "ABC" are pronounced identically to the French word abaisss, 'the abased'. I, Laffont, 1989, Monsieur Thnardier and Madame Thnardier, Socit Plon et autres v. Pierre Hugo et autres, "Victor Hugo's 150-year-old tragedy continues to excite on stage and film", Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Julie Rose, translator. . Javert admits that after being forced to free Fantine, he reported him as Valjean to the French authorities. They feel like digressions, although they really are not. So long as there shall exist, by virtue of law and custom, decrees of damnation pronounced by society, artificially creating hells amid the civilization of earth, and adding the element of human fate to divine destiny; so long as the three great problems of the centurythe degradation of man through pauperism, the corruption of woman through hunger, the crippling of children through . In order to look poorer, Thnardier puts out the fire and breaks a chair. "Les Miserables" got a chance to become the most long-playing musical in history thanks to British producer Cameron McIntosh. Travel expenses incurred in pastoral rounds? Upon exiting, Valjean encounters Javert and requests time to return Marius to his family before surrendering to him. I have faith it was unabridged piece of painstaking perfection. The book which the reader has before him at this moment is, from one end to the other, in its entirety and details a progress from evil to good, from injustice to justice, from falsehood to truth, from night to day, from appetite to conscience, from corruption to life; from bestiality to duty, from hell to heaven, from nothingness to God. ponine, now ragged and emaciated, visits Marius at his apartment to beg for money. One has to proceed on horseback. This introduces a meditation on memories of past places that his contemporary readers would recognize as a self-portrait written from exile: "you have left a part of your heart, of your blood, of your soul, in those pavements." Unexpectedly, a note lands in his lap, which says "Move Out." Valjean takes Javert out of sight, and then shoots into the air while letting him go. Thnardier orders Valjean to pay him 200,000 francs. After ponine's release from prison, she finds Marius at "The Field of the Lark" and sadly tells him that she found Cosette's address. He was a good-looking young man, if on the short side, elegant, charming, and witty; he had given the best years of his life thus far to worldly pursuits and love affairs. After confirming this, the soldiers retreat from the barricade. It is our intent and purpose to foster and encourage in-depth discussion about all things related to books, authors, genres, or publishing in a safe, supportive environment. So I recommend that you enjoy and learn from them, if you can, but dont let them keep you from the characters and the plot. My old copy doesn't mention who did the translation, however, it was published by The Copp Co., Ltd. in England. Les Misrables translations. Since its original publication, Les Misrables has been the subject of a large number of adaptations in numerous types of media, such as books, films, musicals, plays and games. If Im remembering correctly, he also makes some alterations to the original French text - mostly inconsequential, but he modifies the structure slightly and removes/adds text in places. The soldier fires, fatally wounding the man, while missing Marius. What happened next in the destiny of Monsieur Myriel? In the old days, that was standard for bishops.Youre right, Madame Magloire! the bishop agreed. After the wedding, Valjean confesses to Marius that he is an ex-convict. Marva Barnett: Which translation of Les Miserables do you recommend?, How Les Miserables Became Lees Miserables, Some Translations of Les Miserables by Olin H. Moore, NPR: The Art of Translation by Rick Kleffel, Tumblr: Whats wrong with Norman Denny by anonymous user, Beatrice: What Julie Rose Adds to Victor Hugo by Ron Hogan, criminal slang or argot (Part 4, Book 7). Some readers like Wilbours style. While imprisoned in the Bagne of Toulon, Valjean, at great personal risk, rescues a sailor caught in the ship's rigging. Valjean rents new lodgings at Gorbeau House, where he and Cosette live happily. [16], In 1828, Vidocq, already pardoned, saved one of the workers in his paper factory by lifting a heavy cart on his shoulders as Valjean does. This is the first American 1862 translation, generally considered quite faithful to Hugos original but sounding dated in ways that Hugos novel does not. Brilliant book. After Marius takes the letter, ponine then asks him to kiss her on the forehead when she is dead, which he promises to do. This article is about the novel. None of the adaptations can do the book justice. [18] Hugo used Bienvenu de Miollis (17531843), the Bishop of Digne during the time in which Valjean encounters Myriel, as the model for Myriel. There are many film adaptations of the book, and the stage and movie musical version, but the book is so much richer. When he spoke, she listened, and when he took action, she was right behind him. The two respectable translations of Les Misrables are by Lee Fahnestock and norman MacAfee from Signet Classics (a revision of the first translation by Charles Wilbour from 1862, unabridged with a smattering of notes), and Christine Donougher from Penguin Classics (heavily annotated), which may in time become the definitive Les Mis. As there is always more misery at the bottom of the ladder than there is fraternity at the top, everything was given away, so to speak, before it was received, like water on thirsty soil. You can pose questions to the Goodreads community with The author also states to the reader that ponine anonymously threw the note to Valjean. There are three of us here and weve got enough room for sixty. When Julie Rose took on Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, two previous English translations dominated bookstore shelves. Reading this edition, I did not need to turn back to Hugos original novel in order to see what the translator was trying to express. The magnificent story [is] marvelously captured in this new unabridged translation.Denver Post, Rich and gorgeous. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I personally love the Julie Rose translation, but a lot of people don't. You can't really go wrong, though, with the original Wilbour Fahnestock & McAffee. VICTOR HUGO'S novel "Les Miserables" is best known these days as a Tony Award-winning Broadway musical. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You can likely figure that out by reading the same pages from different editions online or in bookstores. I'm at the point where Valjean is about to steal the silver (spoilers!). Besides, the nickname tickled him.I like that name, he said. Valjean pays the Thnardiers 1,500 francs, and he and Cosette leave the inn. It is written by Cosette. Some critics found the subject matter immoral, others complained of its excessive sentimentality, and others were disquieted by its apparent sympathy with the revolutionaries. Explore Now Get Free eBook Sample Buy As Gift LEND ME See Details Overview Vive Les Misrables! There are many film adaptations of the book, and the stage and movie musical version, but the book is so much richer. Valjean, learning that Cosette's lover is fighting, is at first relieved, but an hour later, he puts on a National Guard uniform, arms himself with a gun and ammunition, and leaves his home. Many readers enjoy Hapgoods translation. As he turns back, the man who took the fatal shot for Marius earlier calls Marius by his name. Thinking Valjean a murderer lugging his victim's corpse, Thnardier offers to open the gate for money. Les Misrables has been popularized through numerous adaptations for film, television and the stage, including a musical. Meanwhile, Cosette informs Marius that she and Valjean will be leaving for England in a week's time, which greatly troubles the pair. If you feel bogged down by the section about the battle of Waterloo (or by any other of Hugos more philosophical explorations), skipin the case of Waterlooto the last chapter in that Book, The Battlefield at Night. That chapter has a key plot element in itplus, Hugo does an amazing job of creating atmosphereso you dont want to miss it. Whatever for, in a town with less than four thousand people? The Editor's Preface announces its intention of correcting errors in Wilbour's translation. Thnardier comes back alone, and announces the address is a fake. She had never been pretty, but her entire life, which had been merely a succession of holy works, had ended up laying a sort of whiteness and brightness over her; as she aged, she had gained what you could describe as the beauty of goodness. Donougher's is the best translation I've read. He also orders Azelma to punch out a window pane, which she does, resulting in cutting her hand (as Thnardier had hoped). In addition, Donoughers detailed historical, cultural, and literary notes greatly help readers understand Hugos many references. Vidocq also inspired Hugo's "Claude Gueux" and Le Dernier jour d'un condamn (The Last Day of a Condemned Man). After seeing them, Valjean promises them he will return with rent money for them. I like the "jarring modernism" of Rose's translation. Thnardier then demands that Valjean pay a thousand crowns, but Valjean and Cosette leave. The hydra at the beginning, the angel at the end. Modern English, very readable, well-footnoted. [11] The topics Hugo addresses include cloistered religious orders, the construction of the Paris sewers, argot, and the street urchins of Paris. This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 05:22. He evades a police patrol, and reaches an exit gate but finds it locked. 66 by Victor Hugo. Meanwhile, the Thnardiers' monetary demands continue to grow. A masterpiece of literature. This is the best translation of the novel available in English, as recommended by David Bellos in The Novel of the Century. Rose. les. Digne's benevolent Bishop Myriel gives him shelter. Fantine discovers that Cosette is not at the hospital and fretfully asks where she is. The starting point: matter, destination: the soul. 4 3 Related Topics Book Reading, Writing, and Literature 3 comments Best Add a Comment mirainokirby 7 yr. ago . He seemed to think there was something wrong with Hugo's novel. And he put in his claim.A short while later, after considering this application, the department council voted him an annual stipend of three thousand francs, under the heading, Bishops Allowance for Carriage Upkeep, Postal Costs, and Travel Expenses Incurred in Pastoral Rounds.The local bourgeoisie was up in arms over this and an imperial senator,4 who had been a member of the Council of Five Hundred5 promoting the Eighteenth Brumaire and was now provided with a magnificent senatorial seat near Digne township, wrote a cranky little private letter to the minister of public worship, Monsieur Bigot de Prameneu.6 We produce here a genuine extract of a few lines:Carriage upkeep? Happy reading! It said that some passages "exclusively intended for the French readers of the book" were being omitted, as well as "[a] few scattered sentences reflecting on slavery" because "the absence of a few antislavery paragraphs will hardly be complained of by Southern readers." He must have luxury, the same as the old bishops. For more information, please see our L. Gauthier wrote in Le Monde of 17 August 1862: "One cannot read without an unconquerable disgust all the details Monsieur Hugo gives regarding the successful planning of riots. The episcopal palace was a vast and handsome town house built in stone at the beginning of the previous century by Monseigneur Henri Puget, doctor of theology of the faculty of Paris and abb of Simore,1 who had been bishop of Digne in 1712. Denny is sometimes regarded as the best, most poetic translation, though it is abridged, as it removed about 200 pgs of (if i remember right) something like descriptions of sewer systems. I don't know whether it will be read by everyone, but it is meant for everyone. Id love to hear how Les Misrables affects you! WANT A NOOK? Only the servant, Madame Magloire, grumbled a bit. Wilbour's translation, though a bit archaic in its language at times, stays fairly true to the original French version. That sinister victory was vanquished by liberty. She was more of a spirit than a virgin. Yet it may well serve some purpose, if only in the interests of precision, to jot down here the rumors and gossip that had circulated about him the moment he first popped up in the diocese. ponine then tells Marius that she has a letter for him. The first, by Charles E. How is Les Misrables pronounced? And, of course, the situation in which you are reading might make an online version or a (relatively!) Victor Hugo's classic novel of love & tragedy during the French Revolution is reborn in this fantastic new manga adaptation by Crystal S. Chan! In desperation, Fantine sells her hair and two front teeth, and she resorts to prostitution to pay the Thnardiers. Mountain Goats "Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into the Water, Triumph Of" . . . Everything about it was on the grand scale, the bishops apartments, the drawing rooms, the bedrooms, the main courtyard, which was huge, with covered arcades in the old Florentine style, and the gardens planted with magnificent trees. Thnardier reads it and thinks ponine threw it inside. All the other students are killed. I was so sad to finish it. He takes her to a hospital. Notes: A translation of Let Some Mysterious Chunk of Space Debris Puncture the Roof and Set Me Free by Dendroica. He must have a carriage and a post chaise. He travels to attend the trial and there reveals his true identity. He introduces his recounting of Waterloo with several paragraphs describing the narrator's recent approach to the battlefield: "Last year (1861), on a beautiful May morning, a traveller, the person who is telling this story, was coming from Nivelles"[28] The narrator describes how "[a]n observer, a dreamer, the author of this book" during the 1832 street fighting was caught in crossfire: "All that he had to protect him from the bullets was the swell of the two half columns which separate the shops; he remained in this delicate situation for nearly half an hour." 25 facts about Les Mis", "Read the Ten Longest Novels Ever Written", "Letter of G. Flaubert to Madame Roger des Genettes July 1862", "The official source for Broadway Information", "David Oyelowo, Dominic West, Lily Collins to Star in BBC's, "Victor Hugo Can't Rest in Peace, As a Sequel Makes Trouble", Les Misrables: Highlights from the Motion Picture Soundtrack, Association Littraire et Artistique Internationale, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Les_Misrables&oldid=1141463851, French novels adapted into television shows, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, first published in Belgium, when author was in self-imposed exile in. [13], Even when not turning to other subjects outside his narrative, Hugo sometimes interrupts the straightforward recitation of events, his voice and control of the story line unconstrained by time and sequence. Then he spoke more loudly. Yes there are English translations of Les Miserables. Valjean tells Cosette her mother's story and name. Youve got my place and Ive got yours. Having been the servant of Monsieur le cur, she now went by the double title of personal maid to Mademoiselle and housekeeper to Monseigneur.9Mademoiselle Baptistine was a tall, pale, thin, sweet person, the personification of that ideal expressed by the word respectable; for it seems a woman must be a mother to be esteemed. Gavroche spots Javert and informs Enjolras that Javert is a spy. Denny has quite an old fashioned feel - he translated the book in the 80s (I think) but it has an earnest-Victorian-novel sort of quality. I've been DYING to read it, and finally have the time - so I want the best experience! As they rush to Valjean's house, Marius tells Cosette that Valjean saved his life at the barricade. Characters were crude stereotypes who all `` speak very well but all in the old bishops mother! House for a lord as recommended by David Bellos in the wall gate for money body! 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