Gordo loses his temper over the ants, since he is told to drop it, but Ed calms him down. Edward Ed Baldwin is one of the main characters in For All Mankind. He is a NASA astronaut who misses the chance to land on the moon with Apollo 10. Ed tells him that Margo is not wrong, since he had needed to go to the Pentagon more than he would have liked to and knew that they would love to add Pathfinder to their fleet. When asked what she thought about being near the Moon, Molly mentions it is humbling and Deke reads a letter from a fan to her. However, he told her that he would not be able to concentrate until she told him. Ed told him that he had wanted Sinatra played at his wedding, but ended up playing "Love Me Tender" at his wedding. "[Edward is] kind of what you think of when you think of an astronaut from that era. Thomas tells him that the White House wanted it to be a unanimous decision, but Ed realizes that all they wanted was for the press not to say that they had decided to do a little saber-rattling over the objections people at JSC had. The crew aboard Pathfinder ran into trouble when disagreements arose. Ed said that she could do that, but said that she should pack her bags an never come back. At a meeting in NASA, the possibility of ice being on the Moon was discussed. If you pause and look at Ed Baldwin's astronaut assignment board, you also see a lot of familiar NASA faces mixed in with newer astronaut candidates: for example, Apollo-era astronauts such as Ron Evans, Paul Weitz, Alan Shepard, and Jim Irwin are on the board, among a few others. I'd say the true absolute latest would be 1935, giving him time to be 18 in the final year of the Korean War in 1953. Ed told her that only ten more days and he would be down there, and they said goodbye. "What I found really fascinating was all these accounts from astronauts that looked back at Earth from a distance and for so many of them, that was a transformational experience seeing that little blue orb in this vast ocean of black," he said. Ed tells Gary and Sally that they would be going up against Buran, which Sally mentions would be one hell of a test flight, since many things could go wrong. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. The launch begins, and after it successfully lifted off, Ed reassured her that there was nothing to worry about, which did not convince her. Ed asks what that was supposed to mean, since what had happened to Danielle's arm was not her fault; Ellen agrees with Ed and Margo does as well. Ed tells her that the pilots just were not ready, but she tells him that that was not good enough. Mikhail wished Ed good luck, and the American left. During the training for the mission, Gordo was replaced by Molly Cobb, which displeased him. Deke tells him Apollo 15 may not even happen since everything everything would probably be cancelled after Apollo 11. Ed was eventually a finalist for the Commander position for NASA's first Mars mission. He talks to Shane, who he tells he did something special for that day. Although once a traditionalist, believing a woman's job was only to take care of the family, Karen eventually came into her own as an entrepreneur. When she dropped her hammer, Ed also told her she could not just pick it up, since if she bent in her suit, she could not get further than 20 inches off the ground. Why Did Karen Resign From Helios? Realizing what he was saying, Ed realizes he will never go back to space, and Deke confirms that would be the case as long as von Braun was director. He tells them that there would be a Jamestown 81 debrief and that he had a new flight assignment to announce. Bradford asked Ed if he thought Mikhail had planted a bug in Jamestown. Everybody likes the idea and Bradford mentions that this would be a powerful message, and after Thomas says that he would let everybody know, he asks him to tell him if anybody gave him any trouble so he could call the Secretary of Defense so he would support it. The Soviet asks him what his plan was since he knew that he had not been communicating with NASA. Male Just when it seems like Ed will perish, he and Danny hide inside a rover and save themselves from the storm. Instead, he functions as a nebulous stand-in for all the astronauts in that time period. Ed tells Ellen that she should probably rest since during the next few days, they would start digging, but Ellen tells him that he would be returning on Osprey. However Deke tells him the decision is not only his since he had pissed off a lot of people. Yvonne (ex-wife)Karen Baldwin (ex-wife )Shane Baldwin (son )Kelly Baldwin (adopted daughter) Thomas tried to convince Ed that to be on-board with the Pathfinder problems. (Valentina Tereshkova, a Soviet cosmonaut, was indeed the first woman to go to space but didnt walk on the moon). Gordo tells his friend that he had thought he was losing it again and wonders if it would happen on the Moon again, but Ed told him he was fine. And then you get him in the haircut and sunglasses and the suit, it's like he just stepped out of The Right Stuff," series co-creator Ronald D. Moore told Entertainment Weekly, referring to Philip Kaufman's 1983 film following the nation's first astronauts at the genesis of the space program. On a rocket simulator, Molly got into her spacesuit, while Ed helped her. He tells them that he has decided to go back to space and command Pathfinder. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Ed looks at his board and gets visited by Tracy, who gives him Ed McMahonW's mug. However, Ed mentions that although he and von Braun didn't always see eye to eye, he still respected him since he built the Saturn V. They tell him that he has the president's support, and have him think about it. Ellen fed Deke, who was now laying down. Ed told her she was not a good father, since he could not teach Shane how to ride a bike, which was different from teaching Molly. Thomas says that he hopes there was reason to his actions as opposed to nepotism. asks commander Ed Baldwin (played by Joel Kinnaman). Uken asks Ed when he is going back up, and Ed mentions it is unclear, so he had thought of rejoining the navy. Ed defended Gordo, but Thomas counters that everybody knew he had a drinking problem. The Baldwin family watches the news, which mentions that people are protesting the launch of the Sea Dragon, since it contained nuclear fuel. Gary, Indiana He greeted Ellen and asked how Deke was doing, but Ellen told him that space had made Deke more soft and cuddly than usual. Ed Baldwin is based on Thomas Stafford, commander of Apollo 10. When he goes to congratulate him, Gordo tells him that he would not head back up and reminds him that he knew it. He told Deke there was no way they could haul a 40-pound pack 20 miles in the desert sun, but Deke argued that if they could not handle the desert, they could not handle the Moon. Later, the three astronauts discover a frequency which they find strange and cannot figure out. He asks Ed what he needed to do, and Ed told him to act like a man since he was an astronaut and started mocking him. He smells marijuana, and Molly says that Wayne and Karen would deny having smoked it. He points his gun at her as well, and Gary tells them to stop and tries to think of another way. Ed acknowledges that, but tells them they needed to make sure Sea Dragon could reach the Moon, escorting it to Jamestown. The series depicts the actual happenings of a private training program named Mercury 13, where a group of women underwent the tests for space flight in the 1950s. All of a sudden, Danielle's ant farm fell and she cleaned it up. They found a good spot, and were able to land successfully on the Moon's surface. Danielle tells him he looks like hell, but Gordo says he feels excellent. Danielle told him that her shrink had asked her if she had ever dreamed of having sex with her father, and they told her that it happened to them as well. At NASA astronauts tell Margo that they had not noticed any abnormalities at the time. Gordo mentions it wasn't true that the spacecraft was too heavy and had too little fuel, but it was not on their mission plan, and leaves to the toilet. (Image credit: Courtesy of Apple) To find out what happens next with Pathfinder - and how the Baldwins move forward . Other astronauts have been replaced by fictional characters. He said that he was very upset and had overreacted, but she says that he has a special look when every launch goes up or when he talks about Pathfinder. Gordo said that before everything seemed possible, but not anymore, and starts crying. Molly told him that she never had a kid since it seemed like a lot of work. He's also starred in The Killing, Altered Carbon, and Hanna. Here is everything you need to know in that regard! Ed soon asked her how Shane's game had gone and she told him that it had been good, but when Ed started asking more questions, she started having a hard time answering. ago Gordo argued that they first had to bring him back to Earth and tried to make a joke about it since he thought it was bullshit. He recognizes that Ed had been through worse things, like Shane's death, but he had found a way to make peace. Molly was in place for descent, and started going down, now out of Eds sight and inside the crater. They were told that President Kennedy was doing everything he could, and wanted to apologize for the delays. Baldwin's Service Ribbon Bar contains several inaccuracy: He is wearing 3 Vietnam ribbons, despite being on staff with NASA as an astronaut during the eligibility dates of 1966-1973 for all three awards. Other astronauts have been replaced by fictional characters. Ed decided to trust Mikhail and accepted his help in order to save Ellen and Deke. When Ed saw Molly wearing glasses, he made fun of her. At Deke's office, the former is reading Ed from the Newsweek article what he had said about NASA not having guts anymore. Ed is not glad with the way the conversation is turning out, but Karen tells him there was a code, and can not believe all it took for him to say what he did about NASA were a few drinks and he would start saying everything to reporters. It's not unlikely that they'll also handwave, a bit like KSR, some medical advances. Later, Ed plays golf with Karen, Molly, and Wayne. He tells her to put it down, but she tells him it was not a joke. He tells her that he would not be going back up, as he was happy where he was, but she tells him that he obviously was not. Ed radios 24 and tells them that Houston was working on a fix, but Deke says that there would be no time for him to dock. She concludes he would then be returning to the navy and asks him where they would be moving. Deke payed Ed a visit at his home, where he asked the latter how he was. Margo laughed, but Thomas told Ed to prep the crew. Kinnaman echoed the sentiment in an interview with Men's Journal, describing Edward as "an all-American character, a little bit conservative, who goes through an absolutely transformational event.". Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin Aldrin are also depicted in the series. Missions Ed gets up and tells her to shoot him, since he knew she would not shoot him. Bradford tells Margo to ask about the overhead lights, so the astronauts check and find that Mikhail had managed to plant a bug at Jamestown when he was with Ed. Moreover, in an interview in June 2022, Kinnaman hinted at his involvement in the shows yet unannounced fourth season, which is likely still in development. Margo told everyone what to do and told them that if they did not play their cards correctly, Deke and Ellen might be lost in space. After the mission, Edward runs his mouth to a reporter about how the space program's director, Wernher von Braun (Colm Feore) is holding them back, and he's banned from flying. His colleague asked him about his hat since he was from the Air Force, and he says that he had lost a bet which he could not remember since he had been drunk. Buran had missile lock on Sea dragon 17, so Ed sits down again, telling her he would do what he had to and shoots Sea Dragon down. Uken does not believe he would want to do that since pilots become astronauts, not vice versa. That must have been a youth serum that he injected into himself back in the hotel room. The men raced to Outpost Tavern, declaring the last one to get there would buy the drinks. Danielle says it is good to be back, but mentions that she has to take care of family business in Dallas. In the meantime, Danielle was unsure about leaving her car; she read a passage from the Bible, but still did not get out. She refused, but Ed told her he would be bringing her back up. Danielle asks who would be taking command of the astronaut office, and Ed laughs. Sally asks why they would attack Jamestown, but they do not know. It depicts an alternate history where the Soviets complete the first manned Moon landing and the Cold War-era space race never ended. He makes it to the meeting room, where he immediately grabs a cup of coffee. For All Mankind is partially based on a true story. Since Kelly was worried about her applying essay, Ed told her a bit about his and what she should write about. Margo tells him that the base have been predicated on proximity to water ice, and they had yet to identify where they could find water ice. Gordo and Ed were berated by NASA administration after Ed's reckless behavior. One, Two, Three, Four Ed mentioned that the altitude at which they were, was as low as he had gotten during Apollo 10, and Molly told him to stick with her. Gordo does not look so good, and says that he had a weird moment in his suit where he felt trapped and mentioned that he had to take his helmet off. His later wife Karen once saw him shoot bottle rockets in an empty parking lot in Gary. Edward was born in 1932[Citation needed] in Gary, Indiana. Kelly tells him that she had decided on Annapolis, which surprises him, and he refuses, getting angry and telling Kelly to go to her room. Margo asked Ed if he remembered why they had laid it out that way to start with, but Ed reminded her he was the commander of the mission. Ed mentions that skin was not everything, but she tells him that out of the 205 pilots, they only had 11 black pilots, of which only one had commanded a mission. "And I feel like I was able to break new emotional ground. Ed told her he was fine, but was working long days. The other asked him what he did since he did not follow orders, and was a real American cowboy. Santoro stays with Ed and wonders why NASA didn't have the guts to let him land, and Ed starts remembering his mission. Ed tells Gordo to stand down, but the latter challenges him, so Ed throws him against the base. However Ed walks in and tells them that he could not stay since he had to leave, but wanted to say goodbye to them both. Ed asks if they would be firing missiles, and Braford informs him that there would be a fire exercise to demonstrate the system, firing towards drones which would simulate Russian satellites. Ed discusses spying on the Soviets but mentioned that they would not tell Houston. At home, Ed is awake in bed and reminisces back to his encounter with Mikhail. Ed was devastated to hear that Shane had died. It's not unreasonable to think that life expectancy and quality rises with advancements in almost every aspect. She tells them that she wants to go back to Jamestown since none of them had been up there in nine years, but neither of them want to go back. No, Ed Baldwin was not a real astronaut. 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