For instance, in December of 2015 footage was taken by some tourists of what seems to be an orb of some sort entering what appears to be some kind of portal or vortex, which vanishes as soon as the unidentified object enters it. Dont pray for you but for the others Its a sin to pray for himself. 7 HEADS with 10 HORNS and 10 CROWNS. This notion has unleashed all manner of debate and conspiracy theories on whether such portals have been opened, and one place where this has been claimed to have been done is of course a secret scientific facility located in a remote area of Switzerland. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size, 4. CERN gears up to battle the latest round of conspiracy theories that the real aim of the Large Hadron Collider, which scientists used to discover a Higgs boson, is to blast open a gateway for . This particle is consistent with the Higgs boson but it will take further work to determine whether or not it is the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model. It DOES use symbolism in Chapter 13 (that you are referring to) for the 1st bigger Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns out of the sea. "We aim to be delivering 1.6 billion proton-proton collisions per second" for the ATLAS and CMS experiments, CERN's head of accelerators and technology Mike Lamont said, according to an AFP report. Are the Rockefellers who finance CERN Muslim? These heavier versions of particles called Kaluza-Klein states would have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass. Ants living on a much smaller scale could move around the cable, in what would appear like an extra dimension to the tightrope-walker. This is figurative for many dimensions in the spirit realm. In theory, there could be more than three spatial dimensions to our Universe, so long as those "extra" dimensions are below a certain critical size that our experiments have already probed . We know CERN has received taxpayer money from several governments across the world, but many people dont realize that the Rockefellers are behind a non-profit charity who funds. What exactly we would detect would depend on the number of extra dimensions, the mass of the black hole, the size of the dimensions and the energy at which the black hole occurs. Type above and press Enter to search. GOOD LUCK! In this article, we talk about the connection of the Rockefeller family dynasty to CERN. This time the blackout was blamed on a piece of bread that had fallen into the device after being dropped by a bird. It is an actual picture taken on June 24 2016. Is there a multiverse? On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 125 GeV. by The Master of the Universe be blessed all is good names and those who do is will rightfully and in time Amen. According to, the LHC is the most powerful and biggest particle accelerator in the world that is located in Switzerland's CERN. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {"video":"vkguzh","div":"rumble_vkguzh"}); To watch the full show at Dark Outpost TV, click here: Of course they are. If CMS or ATLAS were to find a Z- or W-like particle (the Z and W bosons being carriers of the electroweak force) with a mass 100 times larger for instance, this might suggest the presence of extra dimensions. Theyre probably trying to free Lucifer from his cage, to take the throne of earth & his beast system.. of candle manufactures. liken to Babylon with Mystery written on her forehead and the golden cup that rules MANY MULTITUDES, PEOPLES, NATIONS, TONGUES and all ride the power of the beast (and by the way, the BEAST which IS SATAN HIMSELF!!!! Quayle does not mince words when giving his opinion on the consequences of experiments at CERN, saying: The men who would play God, in searching for the God particle, are truly going to find more than they bargained for as they open the gates of hell. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! The Grey Liquid Goo is of previously unknown territory taking you into a whole brand new universe of wonder and excitement! It is Interesting to note that a lot of the anomalous events that have purportedly occurred at CERN seem to coincide with blackouts, such as an alleged ripple that was sent out from the facility in 2009 that purportedly disrupted the Earths magnetic field and distorted space and time, also right at the time of a blackout at the facility. Though it may sound like science fiction, if extra dimensions exist, they could explain why the universe is expanding faster than expected, and why gravity is weaker than the other forces of nature. Report: Toxin Released By Controlled Burn In Ohio Train Derailment Was Mustard Gas! One ambitious project undertaken in recent years by CERN, which drew a fair number of conspiracy theories concerning opening portals between dimensions is what CERN calls the Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment, or AWAKE, which has the aim of accelerating super-charged particles by way of plasma wakefields driven by a proton beam. It is not necessary to really understand what all of that means, only that it sounds rather ominous and not a little scary, and this may be why it has been singled out as one of the experiments focused on opening portals between worlds. Imagine a person walking on a tightrope. The LHC is the world's largest particle accelerator, buried . AMG News exists only on reader support. >>>>The knowledge of course will be shared. The work carried out there is indeed looking to understand the secrets of the universe, including bizarrely or not, whether parallel or alternative universes and dimensions do actually exist. The footage, which appeared to be filmed by a bystander . I dont know where you have been but Jesus told us there were many dimensions. "Anyways, @CERN is opening a multi-dimensional portal on July, 5 and will be using dark matter! In the 1930's Germany was advanced with atomic energy and rockets but was also involved with higher consciousness beings .T. Opening the door to other dimensions. NEW images of bizarre cloud formations above the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could be shock proof the worlds biggest experiment is about to tear open a portal to another dimension. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing and the WATERS are NATIONS, MULTITUDES of PEOPLE and TONGUES (its all in chapter 17!) Harvard University theorist Lisa Randall has explained of this: There could be more to the universe than the three dimensions we are familiar with. and you will SEE. "What if CERN really did open a portal to hell or something," another person tweeted.. CERN was in the news after the hit show Stranger Things was released in 2016. CERN, of course, denies trying to change our weather, but it has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds to better understand global warming, which fuels the conspiracies. City Swallowed, Millions Sinkholes Opened, Ocean Level Drops. Famously, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989 at CERN, as a tool to allow scientists around the world to share data. This is one spot in the Bible where it is very crystal clear and goes out of its WAY to clearly DEFINE what it is saying, and it does ALL OF THIS in chapter 17.. everyone quotes and references chapter 13 and give their opinion of what it MEANS.. when chapter 17 TELLS YOU WHAT IT MEANS!!! "Anyways, @CERN is opening a multi-dimensional portal on July, 5 and will be using dark matter! The Illuminati is celebrating the opening of the fifth dimension, one beyond space and time. Answer (1 of 94): Science has been playing around with their interpretation of atoms,light as a wave and a particle,electromagnetism,chemistry and electricity for 150 years. They do not. do not pray out loud so as to be heard by others. It doesnt stop there with the name game either. The two opposite black and white liquid goo substances uniquely combine inside of your mind to create a third substance a grey liquid goo which is neither of the white goo universe nor of the black goo universe. Picture remain unexamined, and going to waste. While a monumental feat and huge jump for science, from pretty much since the LHC was turned on it has proven to be controversial for the general public. This insane ball of energy was directly over the LHC. CERN has unraveled some of the deepest secrets of the atom but it can't seem to pin down what's in these old photos it has found. Discovering the truth about UFO Sightings and Alien contact, Humans Are Part Of An Aliens Computer Game States NASA Scientist,, Deep Space Object May Have Been Alien Probe, Harvard Paper Argues! ( ENT: " Azati Prime ", " Damage ", " Zero Hour ") That is why mandatory chipping will come to pass, because every human must become a literal part of the WWW, which is the 666. KGB was infiltrated by the Freemasons like the Vatican (Babylon) too the USA is referred as Babylon mysteries. There is a whore who sits atop the beast with a golden cup in her hand. READ IT! Look up Lords Prayer in the Bible then read the section DIRECTLY before it. In any case, CERN's research isn't focused on finding a way to travel to different dimensions. Related: Playing God: HAARP Weather Control A Terrifying Look at The Control of Weather Warfare. The project has been a work in progress for three years. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Wikileaks Have Already Disclosed NASAs Secret ALIENS ARE REAL, Floating Interdimensional City Witnessed by Hundreds of Villagers in Africa, Russia UFOs are real and we know how to Summon them!. He asked viewers if they were concerned about CERN, and advised they should be. CERN - Secret dimensions Secret dimensions In everyday life, we inhabit a space of three dimensions - a vast 'cupboard' with height, width and depth, well known for centuries. Bernoulli Principle is That is the choice. Giant translucent figures are visiting Planet Earth according to the FBI. Naturally oil companies are putting up a full court press. The European Council for Nuclear Research. Many UFO sightings show the craft as appearing as if its pulsing almost changing in shape in our atmosphere, could the above suggest that these crafts are possibly doing this due to being from another Unknown Dimension? Then . Many eminent physicists believe it has the potential to destroy not just the world, but the universe itself. was bought and paid for by the Swiss government. The beast out of the earth aka HUMAN REALM is in fact ISLAM for they worship the Beast Baal aka Allah, Um NO! TRENDING: The Natural Way: Introducing Java Burn Weight Loss With Black Coffee (secret recipe ) Video below: The European Organization for Nuclear Research is under attack from sceptics who believe that its stated scientific aims are masking a darker purpose. ), >Edison: He was surely into witchcraft-and not to mention upset a lot Do not use words of repetition or ritualize it in other words dont pray as a ritual or use other peoples words because those words are MEANINGLESS and you have said NOTHING to God Prayer is LITERALLY a conversation between YOU and GOD and any other use of prayer that is not STRICTLY that he told you NOT to do. Brice Watson continues our deep dive into . In other words, gravity could be weaker in one place and stronger in another. All rights reserved. "Unveiled on June 18, 2004, the two-metre-tall statue was a gift from the Government of India. If ANYONE wants to know how I know that the United States went the the Moon six (6) timesJUST ASK and I will tell you! Most of you who have heard of CERN will have heard of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) the largest scientific instrument which exceeds 20 miles in diameter and travels under the sovereign territory of two countries (Switzerland, France). CERN is attacking this planet by trying to bring in to reality the existence of Demons and possibly even the Devil (Satan) himself? They are hidden from us in some way, perhaps because they're tiny or warped. read the INSTRUCTIONS for it directly BEFORE it gives the prayer. Patents should be awarded to those doing the work, and have invested time and lots of money into this research, and have created novel and useful products from the NEW understanding of this research. They have agreed to help guide you from the other side for this life. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. "What if CERN really did open a portal to hell or . The Illuminati is celebrating the opening of the fifth dimension, one beyond space and time. Students of osoteric matters will understand these terms. Evidence for this sort of interdimensional activity is often offered in the form of the various strange things that have allegedly been photographed or filmed in the skies over CERN over the years, including UFOS, strange vortices, and other unexplained aerial phenomena. All Hell has broken loose and demonic entities are escaping. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. CERN is preparing for a major announcement, that they have discovered something inside the collisions happening at the large hadron collider (LHC). propelled bicycle, was surely warned NOT to travel faster than the fastest One fascinating idea that has come to be a fixture of science fiction and fantasy is the notion of other universes and realities other than our own, new worlds existing side by side with us, bumping up against each other, different from our own, holding fantastical realms with their own laws of physics, and even harboring other versions of ourselves. However, the very presence of such a large and remote scientific facility located deep underground, its innately somewhat scary-sounding premise of smashing particles together at the speed of light, and its being manned by scientists working on strange experiments in a subterranean tunnel, have perhaps not surprisingly given it a somewhat ominous reputation, causing quite a bit of concern among the public and spawning all sorts of wild theories about what is really going on there in the dark depths of the earth. And What are they up to, this will not be your typical video.Speakers: Chuck Missler and Charles LawsonHuman Sacrifice at Cern: Original Sermon:\u0026t=158s____________________________________________SHOP New Christian Clothes HERE am moving over to a Newly Created Channel Called @Moving MountainsFeel free to translate the video if you feel the need.Editing videos like this takes a lot of time, and there are some setbacks to spread the truth. Strange Clouds Hover Above the LHC, was made by Freedom Fighter Times, a religious conspiracy theory channel on YouTube, and raises major concerns about what the LCH is being used for. Scientist are beginning to get more and more \"religious\". Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. to fool all the people by making a miracle is reign will last three year and six month. Want to remove the ads? The name CERN also applies to its sprawling laboratory, which employs nearly 3,000 scientific, technical, and administrative staff members, and is the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. Ten years! When I lived in Illinois for a brief time, I remember hearing reports about the Batavia, Illinois particle accelerator and the pioneering work they had done and are STILL doing. The scientist claims to have had a great deal of rejection and many insults come his way along with disbelief of the images. Another way of revealing extra dimensions would be through the production of microscopic black holes. According to some of these exciting yet slightly bizarre unexpectedreports and Declassified documents, we have been visited by numerousextra-terrestrialbeings, some of whom, are not only from other planets beyond our own, but alsofrom other dimensions. Some of the conspiracy theories about CERN have included that it is being used as a portal to allow Satan to return to Earth. It is directly over CERN, and the cloud formation is very interesting. The film, entitled, Playing God: HAARP Weather Control A Terrifying Look at The Control of Weather Warfare, The Brutal Reality of MK Ultra/CIA Evil Agenda, Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 2, 2023, The Deep State Absolutely Wants To Kill You, Natural Cures This Is Why You Should Sleep on Your Left Side,, The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, JFKS Historic Speech (April 27, 1961) Expose: Obama, Hillary, Bush, Pope Francis, Military Tribunals, Crimes Against Humanity & NWO (Must Watch), This is your Financial Bible | This is the Quantum Financial System Manual of GESARA-NESARA & XRP. The 27 kilometer long Large Hadron Collider complex on the Swiss/French border. I dont know. We would need to carefully study the properties of the missing object to work out whether it is a graviton escaping to another dimension or something else. The unusual weather patterns have conspiracy theorists shouting from the top of the tower again, but this time I think they have a real reason too! As prisons go, it could be worse. As prisons go, it could be worse. The Swiss are giving then a break. If gravitons exist, it should be possible to create them at the LHC, but they would rapidly disappear into extra dimensions. CERN is "The European Organization for Nuclear Research" that operates the world's largest particle physics lab, and the LHC is an "atom smasher" to generate antimatter which is . Revealing extra dimensions the universe itself many dimensions experience while you navigate through the website beast out the... It has the potential to destroy not just the world, but the universe blessed. Help guide you from the other side for this life by a bird much smaller could! Words, gravity could be weaker in one place and stronger in another rightfully and time. Time Amen Its a sin to pray for you but for the others a... 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